Rabu, 30 April 2008


Menangislah bila ingin menangis…

Entah kapan terakhir kali kita menangis,mungkin tadi pagi, atau semalam, atau minggu lalu, atau bulan lalu, atau tahun lalu, atau mungkin kita sudah tidak ingat lagi kapan terakhir kali kita menangis. Lalu seberapa seringkah kita menangis? Apakah wajar bila kita sering menangis? Ataukah wajar bila kita bahkan sangat jarang sekali menangis?

Lalu apa yang kita tangisi?sebegitu haruskah sesuatu tersebut kita tangisi?apa yang sebenarnya patut kita tangisi?harta?tahta?wanita?akademik?persoalan hidup?menangis karena kesal?menyesal?

Sungguh suatu saat nanti kita akan merindukan menangis. Kita adalah manusia, mempunyai sisi lain yang mempunyai perasaan dalam menjalani hidupnya. Kita bukan robot, yang bisa menjalani hidupnya tanpa memakai perasaan. Kita beruntung menjadi manusia, yang mempunyai sisi lain dalam kehidupannya, yaitu sisi spiritualitas. Dan menangis adalah manusiawi.

to be continued...

1 komentar:

Andi Riswandi mengatakan...

Andi, gendis dah nyari aplikasi hydraulic bench d internet tp g nemu2, adanya jg hydraulic doang, klo ada jg sdkt bgt, maap ya. perhitungannya dcek lagi aja takut ada yang salah. makasih andi ^^

Data dan Pengolahan Data
Variasi Tair (oC) Ρ air (Kg/m3) Mbeban (Kg) t(s)
1 2 3
1 23 997.6 2.5 113 115 119
2 23 997.6 2.5 63 54 63
3 23 997.6 2.5 47.75 44 49.11
4 23 997.6 2.5 31.11 32.57 33.44
5 23 997.6 2.5 21.09 21.24 22
Ρ didapat dari regresi antara kerapatan relative air pada suhu 21.1 dengan air yang bersuhu 26.7 dalam oC, maka didapatkan persamaan:
Dengan y=kerapatan dan χ adalah suhu
Dari persamaan diatas kerapatan air pada suhu 23o adalah 997.6 Kg/m3
1. t rata-rata= t1+t2+t3
2. Vair=m air/p
3. Q aktual=v air/ t rata2

Dengan menggunakan perhitungan diatas maka didapatkan:

Variasi Mair (Kg) t rata-rata (s) Q aktual (m3/s)

1 0.83 115.67 7.210-6
2 0.83 60 1.38x10-5
3 0.83 46.93 1.77x10-5
4 0.83 32.37 2.57x10-5
5 0.83 21.44 3.8x10-5


Common topics of design for hydraulic engineers includes hydraulic structures, including dams and levees, water distribution networks, water collection networks, storm water management, sediment transport, and various other topics related to transportation engineering and geotechnical engineering. Equations developed from the principles of fluid dynamics are frequently utilized by traffic engineers.
Related branches include hydrology, hydraulic modeling, flood mapping, catchment flood management plans, shoreline management plans, estuarine strategies, coastal protection, and flood alleviation.
Hydraulic bench press AGME

The AGME bench type hydraulic presses are used on operations that require greater forces and can provide an alternative if a pneumatic force is not suitable.
These machines are very versatile and can be used for marking, riveting, bush insertion, punching, etc. They are designed to be used as single machines or can be used on automatic assembly lines and provide an extremely cost effective solution to most assembly operations. They have an adjustable pressure regulator and an adjustable spindle to table height from 100 to 250 mm. A process controller provides working times, program memories and operation modes.
Hydraulics is a topic of science and engineering dealing with the mechanical properties of liquids. Hydraulics is part of the more general discipline of fluid power. Fluid mechanics provides the theoretical foundation for hydraulics, which focuses on the engineering uses of fluid properties. Hydraulic topics range through most science and engineering disciplines, and cover concepts such as pipe flow, dam design, fluidics and fluid control circuitry, pumps, turbines, hydropower, computational fluid dynamics, flow measurement, river channel behavior and erosion. However if used incorrectly, hydraulic instruments can result in weird occurrences because of the nature of high pressure fluids.